Happy New Year, everyone! For some reason, I am so excited about 2010...Perhaps the number itself just sounds good to me; perhaps I'm excited to put the first part of the 2000's behind me. I don't know, but I'm looking forward to a terrific year, as I'm sure you are!
However, before I launch forward with both feet into the month of January, I just have to take a quick backwards glance and share a few top highlights of the holidays with you...
*The annual reading of the Nativity on Christmas Eve. Each family member gets to play a part (Dad is usually, well-- always, the narrator), and seldom is it a remotely reverent event, no matter how hard we may try. Inevitably somebody cracks a joke or pulls a goofy face, and everyone is giggling throughout. It is never a dull affair, and serves as memorable tradition. You can see here a Wise Man, Mary, Joseph, and below that our Angel.

*Our visit from Santa! Yup---he was standing in our family room on Christmas eve, and he left us a photo of himself on our computer desktop. The little kids couldn't believe it! Wow, was that ever a magical highlight!

*Treasured gifts, packages, and ornaments from friends near and far...

*Our "Friendship Door". We began the tradition of hanging our Christmas cards on the door to our garage years ago. It is a happy spot in our home during the holidays. Each time we leave the house, we are reminded of many friends and loved ones that have touched our lives for the good.

*Our Christmas Day Treasure Hunt. Not sure how or why it got started, but for the last several years my hubby has put together a hunt for a family gift that the kids have to find somewhere in the house. The kiddos look forward to this every year, and their squeals of delight as they decipher the clues have made it worth the bother. This year's find was Rock Band 2 in the back of our van. Nothing like a little rock and roll for quality family bonding.

*Food, games, and fireworks on New Year's Eve with extended family.

*Seeing the results of the New Year's Elf in action. I counted 17 pairs of shoes that he filled at my sister's house! Whew! He had a busy night. ;)

*Falling snow, and snowman on New Year's Day.

What would the holidays be without traditions and family? Those are the ingredients that truly make our memories rich and joyful. I hope you each have fond memories to look back on in the year 2009, and great hope to look forward to in the year 2010.

I love our tradition of the New Year's Elf! It's sad to see only two shoes under our tree now that we are empty nesters. I laughed when I saw the shoes under ML's tree. I looks like that elf goes all out filling the shoes to the brim. We went to only ONE shoe per person under the tree many years ago. Our elf was on a tighter budget, I think. :)