I'm sure by now that many of you are curious about my boys' creativity in my kitchen while I was away! From the several comments that were made, I'm guessing you've either lived through teenage boys yourselves, or had mischievous brothers growing up! lol.
While I was out shopping one day during the holidays, I returned home to find a full-blown, half-court basketball game going on my kitchen! My two boys had so creatively thought to bring in the ladder from the garage, tape up their square "basketball hoop" and carry on like a couple of NBA superstars--shooting in and out and all around the furniture, wall hangings, and table centerpieces. Oh, yeah....it was a good time. Fortunately for them, amidst their shooting and "stuffing" each other's shots, nothing was broken (this time!) and the painter's tape came off the wall quite easily. Whew! I guess it's true as the saying goes: "Boys will be boys..."
So each of you who figured that it had to be a basketball hoop or backboard of some sort are most definitely winners of your free pattern or download! I also loved your other imaginative ideas that it was a post for a Quidditch match, or a preview spot for the flat screen t.v. they might have been hoping for. You all win points for originality, and will be receiving free patterns as well! Look for them in your inbox within the next few days. Thanks for playing along, and I hope you enjoy your patterns! (I'd love to see what you do with them!)
What deviously creative things have your children been up to? I'd love to hear!

Well, my deviously little boy (Jake) has been deciding he wants a snack after everyone has gone to bed. So why I am at work and Joe puts them to bed he sneaks down for a snack. The other night I come home to find the fridge door wide open and a big tub of yogart on the counter. Well to say the least the fridge had been open for about 3 hours everything inside including the fridge was warm and so I had to throw everything away and spend more money than usual to replace a lot of things.. Not a good day. And that is just one thing that has happened to me lately..