Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ode to Summer....

Goodbye, Summer. We shall miss your warmth and the happy experiences you provided for us:


Ladder-ball tournaments...

King of the hill... (Let me explain this one. My son back-packed a golf club and 20 balls on a trek to the highest peak in Utah with his scout troop so he could hit them off the peak. Notice his buddy holding onto his belt loop as he swings so he doesn't have a mishap and fly right off the mountain along with his golf balls. Yeah...it's best that mom's don't know these details until they're home again.)

Ice cream treats from Aunti Em's and Uncle Kel's store...

The Pioneer Trek Experience...

Geode treasures...

Hiking Bryce Canyon...

A little jail time...

Target practice at Bryce Canyon...

Broken arms...(okay, not so much)

Father's Day and homemade ties...

The beginning of football season...

Militia men in training...

Thanks for the memories, Summer...

1 comment:

  1. What great pictures! It said your summer in a nutshell. When did the broken are happen? After I was there in August? Poor thing! I want to go to Auntie Em's and Uncle Kel's for ice cream. How did we miss that?


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