As women and moms, we have a million and more things to worry about, don't we? Being attentive wives, getting children fed and ready for school, getting them to school, cooking, cleaning, laundry, finances, taxi-ing kids to and from activities, helping with homework, and often contributing to the household income. It can be overwhelming, and life can quickly get out of balance as we sometimes let ourselves be the last item on our extensive list of things to do.
In our lack of self-attention, our health often suffers, our energy lags, weight lingers, and we sometimes feel disconnected to many things spiritual or personal. When we don't feel well and happy about ourselves, it is challenging to put our best foot forward for our families or co-workers. I would imagine many of us had felt this to some degree at one time or another.

Well, I'm so excited to tell you about a "Be the Best You"
Wellness Challenge beginning on
Monday, May 17, 2010, that addresses some of the needs we have as women to be our best selves. The idea is to motivate ourselves to improve our mind, body, and spirit through 10 goals to be kept each day for three months along with a community of other women (or men!) with the same desires. It is not a diet, but a lifestyle change. The honor system is in place, and points are awarded each day for completion of those 10 goals, then turned in weekly to the Challenge Hostess.
There is a $10 fee to join, with those individuals tallying up the most points at the end of the three months winning back a percentage of the funds collected. Sound fun? While money can be an incentive....the real incentive for me is having a support group to be accountable to, and a challenge placed before me! I'm so excited to participate! I would love for any of you to come join me in this adventure!
HERE for more details on how to sign up, and to see what all is involved in the challenge to help us be our best selves. Grab a friend, and let me know if you decide to join, and we'll all hold each other's hands through this challenge for the next three months! (But hurry! Remember the challenge begins next Monday, May 17!)
Hugs to you,