Be sure to scroll down for the opportunity to win a "Christmas After July" Home Decor Pillow! Leave a comment by August 9 to be included in the drawing!You've heard me talk about my friend Leigh Anne over at

She has THE yummiest and some of the most unique recipes I've tried. Everything I've made that she's shared has been absolutely delicious! And her pictures make you want to eat right off the screen---do you see what I mean? These
Banana Cupcakes are next on my list to try!

She's a very talented woman, and one I'm glad to have gotten to *know* through our interactions and emails via the internet. Be sure to visit her blog regularly. I promise--she will not disappoint!
Leigh Anne's friend Sherra also has a blog at in which she shares life lessons and her witty sense of humor and take on life. Not only is her blog entertainly funny and down to earth, she is a talented speaker, specializing in helping women balance life and their homebased businesses.

Together, they have created a blog specifically designed for promoting and supporting women called
iLash Girls. They are a dynamic team! Their site is a place to bring women together, share ideas, promote womanhood, and to encourage women to take time for ourselves. I love their philosophy, and you can read more of it
here. They focus on one word each month, and that word becomes the theme for their posts. They offer regular quotes, and sometimes interview people with a story that relates to the theme. And another bonus? They have some fabulous give-aways! They seek out and find some marvelously talented women out there who provide some amazing gifts. (Still waiting for my lucky number to be drawn!)
A while back I sent a comment to these gals about an experience I had when my mother died--how a simple act of kindness by some friends had such a great impact on me. Well, they contacted me recently and asked if I would be interested in being interviewed on their site, and to share that story with their theme of this month, which is "Simplicity". I was thrilled, and of course, said yes! You can read the interview and the story about my dear friends
In the interview, they asked me some interesting of which was, "What is something no one knows about you, but you don't mind the whole internet world knowing?" Well, for the life of me, I couldn't think of anything very interesting to share that no one really knows. I was momentarily saddened to realize that I have such a dull life. (Maybe that's a good thing?) I ended up telling about my truck driving experience on our farm when I was 14. Hmmm....Not too gripping. Even asking my hubby wasn't much help. The options I had to choose from? Let's see...
*I HATE earwigs more than almost any crawling thing. More than spiders. They totally creep me out.
*How about the blind date I went on with Jimmy Osmond in college. You know...Donny and Marie's little, (not-as-handsome) brother? He was polite and nice, but it didn't amount to anything at all, and I never saw or heard from him again. And, I never met Donny or Marie. However, my college roommate became Marie's nanny for a while, but that's a whole different story!
*I could say that once upon a life I was a BYU Cougarette--back when I had energy and a thinner frame! Yep, poofy hair, head flips, leotards--the whole shootin' match for 3 years. Some of my favorite memories.
*Or, I succumbed to peer pressure and used to jump off a local bridge into a canal and swim with my high school volleyball teammates after practice. Doesn't sound like such a bad idea, except for the fact that I was a horrible swimmer, and could have easily been swept downstream and drowned.
*I had two miscarriages.
*I have a degree in Elementary Education and taught 5th grade for 6 years.
*I lived one summer in Switzerland with two college roommates.
*I'm the youngest of 6 kids--my oldest sister being 21 years older than me. Yes, she could be my mother, age-wise.
*Cancer is a threat we siblings have to face. My dad died of colon cancer, my mother of breast cancer, and my oldest sister has faced a brain tumor twice now.
*I was part of a three gal team that pitched the "Qwikit" scrapbooking system to Provo Craft. Okay, so that's sort of interesting. Provo Craft took the idea and ran, but through poor marketing, and a list of complications, it failed miserably after only a few months. Big bummer for us, but a cool experience to go through.
So, I guess there are maybe a few out-of-the-ordinary things about my ordinary life, now that I have forced myself to reflect on them....but whether we consider them interesting or mundane depends on our perspective and where we are in our lives, I suppose. And just maybe, a seemingly dull life is A-ok. Less drama has to be a bonus, I'm thinking.
But that's also got me thinking, and my inquiring mind wants to know....what about the rest of you out there in blogland? How would you answer that question? What are things about you that the rest of the world may not know about you? Please share. I'd love to hear.
And, be sure to check out
iLash Girls and sign up for their RSS feed. It's a great community to be a part of!