I hope everyone had a fantastic 4th! Summer is flying by and I just had to share with you this cutest treat that my darling neighbor Judy brought to me...Don't let these "ears" deceive your eyes! I know...I did a double take too! My kids all had to look twice too, and they thought these were the coolest.
Corn on the Cob Cupcakes...how clever! So I had Judy give me her secrets to this deceptive goodie (and they are VERY simple). All you need is the following for each ear of corn:
* 3 baked yellow or white cupcakes in white cupcake papers
* 1 corn on the cob tray
* 2 corn holders
* white frosting
* yellow Jelly Belly jellybeans for the kernels (I think she used Buttered Popcorn flavor and Lemon)
* one yellow Starburst candy for the pat of butter
* black sugar for the pepper(apparently found on the cake decorating aisle of the craft stores---unfortunately I'm not too familiar with that aisle)
Assemble the cupcakes in the tray, frost, add the Jelly Bellies in rows, and add the pat of butter and black sugar. Insert the holders to each end and there you have a fun, unique, and "corny" summer treat.